Navigating the Complexities: A Strategic Approach in Real Estate Investment

Every day, navigating the news landscape as a real estate investor is challenging. The headlines, often designed to captivate and shock, promise guidance but sometimes lead us into uncertainty and doubt. These headlines tend to capture our attention more than provide the wisdom needed to make informed decisions.

So, how do we look past the sensationalism to understand the core of our investment strategy? As a guide through these turbulent conditions and a steward of your trust, I rely on a method of discernment to navigate the fleeting news cycles. 

Our journey is anchored in partnerships with operators who have proven their resilience and whose operational philosophy aligns with our values of conservatism, meticulous underwriting, and deep understanding of local market dynamics.

Our collaborator within Essentia’s storage fund exemplifies these virtues. With them guiding our investments, I am confident that our ventures are protected by professionals who not only manage industry fluctuations but also capitalize on strategic market opportunities.

Our self-storage partner actively engages in the market, making calculated decisions that define where and how we invest. Their proactive approach ensures we are not merely following trends but actively directing our path toward profitable opportunities.


Local Realms of Real Estate

In competitive markets like Phoenix and Atlanta, where many large REITs struggle with oversupply, our self-storage partner selects its locations carefully.  The team is deeply familiar with each market's specific conditions, positioning our properties to advance beyond mere survival to achieve significant growth, driven by square foot rental rates (the key metric) that reflect some of the most successful times in our partner's history.

Despite the frequent labeling of markets like Atlanta as "oversupplied," viable opportunities are still present. It's crucial to selectively identify promising areas within broader metro submarkets. Ironically, the top three performing assets in Essentia's storage fund are located within such submarkets of the larger Atlanta area. Without our partner's data-driven acquisition strategy, these profitable opportunities might have been missed.


Dynamics of Demand

Using sophisticated data analytics, our self-storage partner tracks long-term rental patterns, gaining insights that shape their expectations and strategies. Their historical data from 2017 onward highlights periods of stable rental rates, guiding their current strategies. They had anticipated and accounted for recent fluctuations in rental rates, which were an expected correction after the spike during the pandemic.

The demand for self-storage is closely linked to housing market trends, which can drive up to a third of overall demand. As the housing market recovers—a certainty based on historical trends—a surge in demand for storage is expected. We are well-prepared to meet this increased need, whether it’s due to people moving, downsizing, or simply seeking extra space. Even without normal household movement, we are executing beyond proforma expectations.


Mastering Margin of Safety

Through conservative underwriting, we maintain stability amid market fluctuations. Properties are evaluated with a cautious 6.5 exit cap rate, considerably above the current market rates, which often fall below 5. This strategic underwriting protects against downturns, enhancing the potential for portfolio premium upon disposition, a result our self-storage partner has consistently achieved.

Additionally, in self-storage, rising construction costs act as a natural deterrent to new entrants, helping to maintain calm competitive conditions. Coupled with our partner's ability to enter markets at costs below replacement, we maintain competitive pricing without compromising our margins, even as construction costs increase.

For our single-story expansion projects, costs start at $80 per NRSF but can rise above $100 in areas with strict regulations, such as Austin, TX. When including land, pursuit, and financing/closing costs, total replacement costs usually range from $110 to $150 per NRSF, occasionally even higher in Austin. 

Essentia’s storage fund has achieved an average acquisition cost of $73.52 per sq/ft in prime markets, which are particularly attractive to institutional buyers due to constrained supply and positive net migration, enhancing profitability and appeal. Our partner's recent portfolio sale exceeded $130 per sq/ft, demonstrating the effectiveness of our strategy.


Beyond the Headlines

This approach represents a strategic investment in today's market, offering considerable potential with limited downside risk. It is conservative yet opportunistic, allowing us to take advantage of prevailing conditions without being derailed by them.

While national headlines might occasionally raise our stress levels, they remind us to focus on our core investment principles. These principles guide us confidently through the complexities of real estate investment, ensuring ongoing growth and success.

Thank you for joining us on this journey toward sustainable growth and success in real estate. Your trust guides us.

Gino Borges | Co-founder & Managing Partner | Essentia Capital Partners

This is not intended as a solicitation for funds or an investment offering. This is for information purposes only.


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